What Can You Do When it’s Difficult to Ask for Help?

If you’re having trouble asking for help when you need it, you’re not alone. This is common among caregivers, but it’s something you can learn to do.

Get Clear about Where You Need the Most Help

Caregiver Wolfforth, TX: What Can You Do When It’s Difficult to Ask for Help?

The first step is to really understand where you need the most help. Sometimes as a caregiver you can get so bogged down in all that you have to do that you really don’t know what needs to happen next. You’re just running from one task to another. Take a few minutes and make a list. It will help.

Consider Family and Friends Who Could Help
Next you need to take a moment and consider who among your family and friends would be able and willing to help. Don’t worry yet about what you’ll ask them to do. This step is just about figuring out who you can ask for help. You might feel as if you can’t ask anyone for help, but that’s less accurate than you think. Write down anyone who has asked how they can help you.

Take a Deep Breath and Ask
This part is the hard part. Pick a task and pick a person. Then ask that person if they can do that task. There are so many reasons this is difficult, ranging from not wanting to be an inadequate caregiver to worrying that no one will help. Try to put all of that aside for now and know that just asking is a big step.

Let Go of Your Expectations
Once you ask for help and before you get an answer, try to let go of your expectations about the answer you’ll get. When you’re expecting one answer or another, you might miss some important details. For instance, your family member might tell you they can’t help with that task, or they can’t help this weekend. Those are important details. If the answer you get is a flat out no, that’s good to know because you can move on.

Hire Extra Help
You might not realize it, but there are other ways to get help. Hiring elder care providers can give you far more assistance than friends or family might be able to offer. They won’t argue with you and they’ve got the experience in dealing with the very situations you’re wrestling with daily.

One of the biggest lessons that you might learn as a caregiver is when you need to ask for help. It’s not always an easy lesson to learn, but it’s important.

Excerpt: Some caregivers find it really difficult to ask for help.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering a Caregiver in Wolfforth, TX, please contact the caring staff at Best In-Home Care (806) 412-0723.